Thursday, December 24, 2009

Recipe Contest!!

So, my darling readers , I need your help. Soon I´ll be moving into my own house, and that means cooking for myself. LET FREEDOM RING. It´s been a long, sometimes painful few months eating other people´s food. (Did you read the Ngobe Cookbook?) But on the eve of my culinary independence, I must confess some trepidation. In the U.S., I am no master cook, but I can navigate the basics. Here, I am presented with the challenge of no fridge or oven and markets that stock only the essentials (though Almirante does have some legumbreros that have a good fly-free selection of produce). Anyway, I need your help brainstorming recipes, and I am sensing my adult readers in particular can help. Here are some guidelines for the contest:

1) No meat. No, I didn´t go vegetarian, but I might as well have. On the rare occasion that I buy meat, I´ll know how to cook it.
2) Nothing refrigerated. But powdered milk is a good friend of mine, and remember eggs don´t really need to be in the fridge.
3) Suggested ingredients:
-Beans, beans beans. Lentils and Red Kidneys are my favorite.
- Pasta or rice.
- Simple veggies- onions, peppers, celeries, carrots, garlic, things that can sit on my shelf for a few days. Extra points if you use yucca.
- I have access to most common spices in the Changuinola supermarket. Favorites: chili, curry, basil, salt, pepper etc. Basics are best.
4) I will be cooking on a two-burner range with an attached gas tank. Plan accordingly.
5) Keep it simple, this is Peace Corps not Food and Wine magazine. These do not have to be culinary masterpieces. A one- dish stir-fry or good pasta sauce is more than enough.

Please submit all recipes to me by email at by January 20. Don´t be shy! The best recipe will be delicious, simple, and reasonable to make for one person. Winner(s) will receive something special and Panamanian (artisan jewelery, a chakara bag, open for suggestion), which can be sent to the States and mailed accordingly in March when my brothers visit. I am serious about this. Think of something or just Google. I don´t have the time and anyway, there is no such thing as an original recipe (except maybe for Bush´s baked beans.)

Best of luck and if I receive no entries, I will assume you all want me to starve to death.


  1. Do you allow multiple submissions? Are you gonna test all these recipes?

  2. also, para su informaccion, rumor has it that eggs will keep longer outside of a fridge if you flip them over every day or two.

  3. Um, Cati, recipes shall be forthcoming. Your stir fry idea is spot on. Did James mention growing lentil sprouts? They come up quickly and are loaded with nutrition. Anything will beat the fried hot dog and platinos diet to which you are currently subject. I wouldn't go fishing for a while, amoeba girl.
