Friday, June 11, 2010

I am a Mom

There were several months of internal debates that went into the should-I-get-a-puppy decision. Many volunteers have done it and sung the praises of having a little furball around to help you through those dark electricityless nights and the awkward pasearing moments. Then, I decided, unequivocally, that now is not the best time in my life to take on the responsiblity of a dog. I live, temporarily, in a foreign country, have to travel, and live on a limited allowance that doesn´t leave a lot of room for puppy medical emergencies.

But then Jim, our Bocas regional leader, found himself in a bit of a bind when a pregnant dog decided that he was her new daddy, and proceeded to move into his Changuinola home until she bore eight perritos. He asked me if I could please take one, and I thought to myself, ¨Cati, you did not seek out this puppy. It was delivered it to you.¨ And there are some faces that you are just born to love. And this one?

I fell hard, and I fell fast. His complete name is Ambassador Walter Fitzgerald Caballero-Lopez Santos Santos. Jim named him Droopy, but I thought a name like that could have life-long effects on his self-esteem. His last names came from my first host family and neighbors. The name Walter was suggested by my birthmother and also Paul. Fitzgerald is a shout-out to the adulterous, back-pain-plagued founder of Peace Corps, JFK.

He is an Ambassador because, well, why not givea dog a title? It might keep the kids from playing too roughly with him. El es un ambajador! Cuidado! Since Walter arrived on Sunday, he has been coming to pasear with me, at the quebrada to wash clothes, and from house to house helping me accomplish my daily tasks. We are working on the whole walking-on-your-own thing. He prefers to be carried like a baby and rest his head on my shoulder. He is still a wee thing (one month!), but it can´t go on forever. That isn´t very dignified behavior for an Ambassador. You have legs, Walter. Use them.

We are living a very happy life together. He falls asleep on my tummy while I lie in my hammock at night, and he even poops outside! Although we are encountering some small problems. One is that all of the deathly thin dogs that never get fed can fit through my porch fence and steal his food. And twice in the a night a bully has come by and tried to hurt Wally Fitz. His screams broke out into the night and awakened me from my slumber. My neighbor saw this happen both times and is also feeling fiercely protective of our poor defenseless hero. He is also a little bit of a chewer, and a mouther, which are common puppy problems but I am determined to be a rigid trainer. Teething is no excuse to behave like a common street dog, Señor Caballero-Lopez Santos Santos. This lady´s ideas about how to keep him from biting are interesting. Although if I start yelping everytime he mouths me, I think the Ngobes will finally decide that Cati is just completely off her rocker. He responds to my reprimands, and can be redirected to playing with his toy I made from a handkerchief.

Doesn´t he look thrilled? Anyway, he is usually only awake for fifteen minutes before he needs another break:

So that´s the story. Stay tuned. (I promise I will endeavor to keep the annoying dog-doting to a minimum. BUT DID YOU SEE HIS FACE?!)


  1. I am sure this fine perrito will grow into his impressive name. Some might have named him Spot. What is there to live up to with such a name? And he is darned cute when he's asleep! Keep us posted.

  2. yeah that dog is pretty gosh darned adorable
